When it comes to skincare products, it's pretty much a given that natural is best. Beauty fans nowadays are woke; they're increasingly shunning chemical-laden products for organic lovelies made using essential oils and plant-based ingredients. After all, nobody wants to cover their skin with sodi...
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New Year's Eve is traditionally a time for reflecting on the past and making plans for the future (we're looking at you, New Year's resolutions). So this year, when the clock chimes midnight and the Times Square ball drops, make a self-care pledge to yourself for 2020. Promise your mind and body ...
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Christmas is without a doubt the most wonderful time of the year... but it's also quite possibly the most stressful. If you're feeling more pressure than Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, more worn-out than last year's novelty sweater, and more drained than the bottle of eggnog when Aunt Thelma comes to stay, try these natural solutions to give you back your holly jolly feeling:View Post